Gina Rio

Gina Rio

Ladies and gentleman introducing 23 year old Gina Rio who could be ‘the most spoiled girl in Britain’.

Gina’s father owns a construction company and according to The Daily Mail:

  • Gina, 23,  receives £10,000 a month from her mother, after falling out with her father and  losing his £20,000 allowance
  • She is  currently living at the Savoy while her house in King’s Cross, a gift from her  mother, is refurbished
  • The  five-bed house will have a walk in wardrobe covering the entire top floor, a  swimming pool and jacuzzi and a home cinema
  • She spends £1,000 a month on chauffeurs and taxis, and at least £600 at the  hairdresser.

It is also claimed that Gina earns £2,000 a month as a personal stylist and when she hits the town with her rapper boyfriend Ecksell (never heard of this geezer) he always picks up the tab.

She says:

‘I love my Cristal champagne and bellini  cocktails,’.

‘I have no idea how much it costs – hundreds  maybe. When my boyfriend and I go clubbing, he goes crazy.

‘Once he spent £25,000 in one night.  Afterwards I told him that he might as well spend that on me.

CLICK HERE to read the full article and to view more photographs.


Gina’s lifestyle sounds like it’s been exaggerated. For some reason most of what has been written in this article just doesn’t seem to ring true.

She claims to be living in the Savoy Hotel – Hmmmmmm…. more like hired a room for a couple of hours for the photo shoot.

She supposedly spends thousands of pounds on designer clothes, shoes and bags but nothing about her goods screams EXPENSIVE or DESIGNER.  Her outfits look like they were purchased in a TK Maxx clear out sale and off a Lewisham Sunday Market clothes stall. The “designer” bags look like knock offs and some of the shoes featured in the photographs are from high street shoe store Dune.

She visits the hairdresser each month and spends £600 “to keep her locks glossy” – If this is true (which I doubt) then she is being robbed.

She earns £2,000 a month working as a personal stylist – Erm… who is this  woman styling? It can’t be a human being.

Her rapper boyfriend who up until this point I had never heard of can apparently frit away £25,000 in one night and always picks up the tap – Is he really earning that much from his music career?

Check out her “mega rich” rapper boyfriend below.

Hilarious. I am sorry but I just can’t take this article seriously and I smell a rat.

26 replies »

  1. LOL. I smell a reality show wannabe. But erm, those shoes look worn out.
    Nice cleavage, it will get her far.Loool
    Hey, life is good if you earn ten grand a month. Geez

  2. Yeah, the pics are copyright to Barcroft Media (who package and sell stories to the media for clients), so I reckon she must be under contract to them to make her into the next reality TV star; her ‘thing’ being that she’s “The Most Spoilt Girl In Britain”.

    Don’t doubt her parents are rich, but I bet a zero has been added to all those figures.

  3. If her parents are so rich and she receives 10,000 a Month allowance why does she need to work earning approx 30k a Yr as someones assistant? Can someone help me – where would I need to go in one night to spend 25,000!

  4. Hilarious. The story has more holes than a Swiss cheese. She’ll be clogging up ITV2 before you can say ‘Katie Price’. Dune shoes? Knock-off Louboutins? Do me a favour.

  5. You claim to have all of that money and yet you choose to reside in dungeon London where the skies are always grey and it never stops raining? Not that I believe any of this nonsense to begin with anyway. Cosign Ola and Janice, this account is completely suspect.

    Let us not forget the documentary called Starsuckers in a hurry. Remember, the mainstream media can make you think that anybody is a star or has some so called “celebrity” status. I encourage those who have not seen that documentary to go ahead and watch it, you should be able to find it on youtube. Then come back to this rubbish with new eyes and tell me what you see.

  6. Karen :
    If her parents are so rich and she receives 10,000 a Month allowance why does she need to work earning approx 30k a Yr as someones assistant? Can someone help me – where would I need to go in one night to spend 25,000!

    to keep her little arse busy . jobless people spend more money on nothings ( fact ); she looks 18.

  7. I knew it was bologna when I couldn’t find anything else on her but that article..I don’t even believe that’s her real name.

  8. This is such a pile of crap and it’s unbelievable how many people have swallowed the bait and commented on the DM site as if it’s real. This nasty ho has a ghetto weave that looks more like it cost £6.00 than £600, a bunch of high-street shoes and market-stall clothes and the “Savoy” looks more like a Holiday Inn. Her blog is full of publicity pics she blatantly stole from other sources of places like Harrods and Tiffany’s where she claims she shops all the time even if she ISN’T IN ANY OF THE PHOTOS. She just took down her modelmayhem too, where she had all of 3 pictures of her looking like she just stepped out of a post-watershed sex-chatline ad. Fake!

  9. LOL i thought the Dune shoes comment was shade until i read the article. She should feel shame, i would’ve stuck tape over the label, and rented a few more handbags for this article. Even i can afford that Mulberry clutch she needs to >>>>> _/ _/ _/

  10. I’ve decided to follow this fake on twitter for a laugh. I’ve been sending the occasional p*ss taking tweets but she seems immune to irony. I’ll keep you posted.

  11. She is a low end cheap incall prostitute, another Jade Goody who also was a brass looking for fame ………

  12. She is most certainly fake. I have been watching BB and she is a housemate with this incredulous backstory. I come from a posh background. Her exaggerated haughty mannerisms are all wrong. I know no one who would dress in such a cheap way with their breasts and nether regions just hanging out in such a manner. Girls from good families would sooner be caught dead than look like a hooker the way she does. I am sure that we will find out that her boyfriend is her pimp. Con artist, capital C!

  13. I think she is BB’s little secret. She’s probably fabricated to make her look like she’s a spoilt brat when she prob grew up and lives in a trailer park.

    Dune is a store I shop at and I don’t get £10,000 allowance, I work hard for my money.

    She is a normal girl trying to get rich and seek fame.

    If my parents were rich, what the hell do I want with BB?

    I smell a rat!

  14. Lool as I saw her on BB, I thought I remember Janice writing about his chick months ago saying she was going to appear on a reality show…*tears*
    *dead* at the poster exposing her and her Mothers address oh dear!

  15. Well well well….little rich girl turns out to be one of the best housemates ever. Bitchy at times…but quite level headed and sensible most of the time. Never judge a book by its cover.

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